Enrolment Process

Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School Zone
Indicative Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School zone as of February 2024. Please note the information displayed on this map may not be correct at the time of viewing. This map in no way denotes an entitlement for enrolment or placement at Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School. Please check the Ministry of Education Enrolment Scheme before filling out our pre-enrolment form.
Pre-Enrolment Questionnaire
Please check our enrolment zone and Ministry of Education’s Enrolment Scheme to see if your home address is within our zone before filling out our questionnaire.
Please note: we cannot accept any enrolments if you are intending to live in our zone but are not living in our zone yet (e.g. house under construction). The student has to be living in zone with their legal guardians at the time they intend to start at the school.
Enrolment Information
Click the button below to view or download the Enrolment Information.