Nicole Pfeifhofer

Nicole Pfeifhofer

- Map of the town where I met my partner 11 years ago – this also represents our love for travel and immersing ourselves into different cultures. We have been to over 33 countries and swam in all five oceans. This has given us an array of stories to pass onto our own children.
- The skateboard represents my love of board sports. I grew up in a small country beach town and surfing and skating became my life. Since moving here snowboarding has also entered my life in a positive and freeing way.
- Photo of my family. Becoming a mum and growing my family has been my greatest achievement in life. We spend most weekends exploring the ocean with our two little stowaways.
- Tennis racket – this represents my love of sports. I have played tennis since I was three and still play three times a week. I also play touch and netball. I am a huge football fan and you will see me supporting Italy and Germany in the World Cup!
- My three passports represent my three homes – Australia where I was born; New Zealand where I have made my life with my partner and our two beautiful boys; and Italy where my family comes from and I hold closest to my heart.