Tapiwa Chihuri

Tapiwa Chihuri

- Totem: In Zimbabwe, we identify ourselves with different animals and I come from the wild cat family (bonga).
- Sadza Nemuriwo: I find it difficult to spend a week without having eaten Zimbabwe’s traditional dish.
- I feel more at home and relaxed when I make my family’s meals using firewood inside this rural Zimbabwean traditional kitchen which is the heart of the home. Men sit on the kitchen bench and women on traditional mats made of reed. The other building is where the bedrooms are and does not need to be grass thatched as it is not a traditional structure.
- “The World Is Big and I Want To Have A Good Look At It Before It Gets Dark.” John Muir. If we haven’t been there yet, it’s on our list. Exploring the world is the family’s common hobby.
- A grandchild is grandparents’ link to the future and past. The most precious jewels I will ever have around my neck will be my granddaughter’s arms.